Foellinger Foundation

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A More Accessible Zoo for All

The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo’s Zoo for All program was built from their vision that every family in our community should feel welcomed, regardless of their needs. Zoo for All encompasses all IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access) work, which includes community tickets, accessible facility improvements, employment initiatives, and more. 

Community Ticket Program

The Zoo’s Community Ticket Program is designed to make a trip to the Zoo more accessible. Each calendar year the Zoo awards nearly $200,000 worth of free admission tickets to area nonprofit organizations who work with children and families that may face barriers in taking a trip to the Zoo. The goal of this program is to help overcome barriers that may exist for visitation and ensure that all area children and other diverse audiences can connect with amazing animals.

The Community Ticket Program application opens at the beginning of each year. The Zoo recently standardized its application to create a more equitable and transparent process, which helps them understand mission alignment and results.

“As a result of this new process, we’ve noticed higher redemption rates and have established better relationships with the organizations we grant tickets to,” said Rick Schuiteman, Executive Director. “Our goal is to distribute 15,000 tickets through the program every year—that’s 15,000 children who otherwise may not have the opportunity to connect with our learning experiences.”

Facility Accessibility

The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo continues to consider ways to make the Zoo more accessible to individuals of all abilities. “ADA is the floor, not the ceiling,” said Schuiteman. “We’re proud that we were the first Sensory Inclusive Certified facility in Indiana and continue to incorporate principles of universal design into everything we do. We’ve also recently purchased ECVs that attendees can rent to make getting around the Zoo easier.”

Employment Opportunities

“We strive to be an employer of choice for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds,” said Schuiteman. “We have employment partnerships with Easterseals Arc and Goodwill, helping individuals develop job readiness skills. Some of the individuals who went through these programs are now employed at the Zoo.”

Thank you, Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, for your efforts to create a more welcoming experience for Allen County residents!