Resiliency Statement


Our mission is to strengthen organizations that serve children and families—particularly those with the greatest economic need and least opportunity.

We will continue in earnest to devote substantially all of our focus, resources and energy to support effective and well-managed nonprofit grantees who are making a tangible and positive difference for children and families each and every day.

This grantee work is essential for us to thrive as a community and serves as a critical contribution of hope in the effort to counter the harsh impact of persistent social, economic and racial inequality in our community.

We will also engage our community, including grantees and funding partners, to listen, learn and act in a thoughtful, purposeful and collaborative manner to identify and participate in the eradication of the root causes of systemic inequality and its consequences.

We will be thoughtful and effective stewards of Foundation resources in response to the hopelessness and frustration so many are expressing at this time.

We have great confidence in our interdependent and collective ability as a community to encourage and ensure that each person, including those children and families with the greatest economic need and the least opportunity, thrives in a more just and equitable community.

Foellinger Foundation Board of Directors
Michael C. Moellering, Chair
John C. Snider, Vice Chair / Secretary
John D. Meyer, Treasurer
Cheryl K. Taylor, President and CEO
Edward M. Kominowski, incoming President and CEO
Samuel R. Graves, Director
Janae T. McCullough-Boyd, Director
Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D., Director
Sarah M. Strimmenos, Director


The Survivability Series


‘Hang On, Merge, or Close’ Webinar