Grant Software Transition

Foellinger Foundation is transitioning its grantmaking software from GivingData to Foundant Technologies. Foundant is an online grant management system that will improve nonprofit organizations' grant application and management process—providing an easy-to-use interface, better communication and access to information, and opportunity for collaboration.

Access to the Foundant software will be rolled out in phases. Nonprofit organizations submitting new applications will utilize Foundant, and grantees with approved or pending applications will continue to manage their grants in GivingData until we have completed the migration.

What’s Changing:

The software platform used to apply for and manage new Foellinger Foundation grants.

What’s Not Changing:

The grant application and management process.

Benefits of Foundant

Easy-to-Use Interface

Foundant’s easy-to-use interface will enhance nonprofits’ experience in the Foellinger Foundation grant application, review, agreement/follow-up, and evaluation processes. The design of this software is simple and intuitive, and also increases the Foundation’s ability to provide troubleshooting assistance.  

Communication and Access to Information

Foundant will provide communication and access to information to help nonprofits manage their grants. Its features include prominent dates displayed on the homepage, automatic reminders as important deadlines approach, improved document management, and more.

Opportunity for Collaboration

This system provides opportunities for collaboration between internal nonprofit staffs, with individual logins for every contributor to a grant application and the ability to add “collaborators,” such as board members. It also increases collaboration between the Foundation and applicants or grantees, with the ability for communication directly within the system.

Access to Foundant

Nonprofit organizations submitting new grant applications will utilize Foundant. 

Nonprofit organizations with active grants needing to submit their evaluation, progress reports, and any other required materials through GivingData will continue to use the GivingData portal unless notified directly by our grants team.

How-To Guide

Download the Foundant How-To Guide for instructions on how to set up your Foundant account.


We’re working hard to ensure this process is as easy and efficient as possible for nonprofit organizations! If you have questions about setup and technology, contact Lisa Pickerman at


My Intern Experience – Amri


Welcome Lisa Pickerman, Program and Grants Manager!