Amanda Jamison Promoted to Chief Program Officer

Foellinger Foundation is pleased to announce Amanda Jamison’s promotion to Chief Program Officer. She assumed the role on September 1, 2024, with the start of our 2025 fiscal year.

Amanda succeeds Dawn Martz in this role, who will maintain her involvement with internal operations at the Foundation through the end of the 2024 calendar year, after which she will retire.

The Foundation selected Amanda, and she has been working with Dawn since her onboarding to fill the Chief Program Officer position. “Amanda’s promotion is the result of a strategic succession plan developed and executed over the last several years,” explained Dawn. “When we set out to hire a Senior Program Officer, we intended for that person to fill my shoes. Over our last year together, we have dived into every aspect of the Foundation’s grantmaking strategy, process, and approach. I am confident in Amanda’s ability to serve our grantees—and our community—and honor our donor intent.”

Grantees should contact Amanda for all grant needs and questions moving forward.

“I am so grateful for the time and knowledge Dawn has shared with me,” said Amanda. “I look forward to continuing to support nonprofits that serve Allen County residents with the greatest economic need and least opportunity through an intentional and impactful grants program—with a commitment to evaluation and a focus on robust outcomes.”

“We are excited to welcome Amanda to her new role,” said Sarah Strimmenos, Foellinger Foundation President and CEO. “We look forward to seeing how her leadership will help our grantees, the individuals they serve, and our entire community move towards thriving.”


Welcome RasAmen Oladuwa, Events and Communications Coordinator!